Come join Scrapbook Express for National Scrapbook Day. We have lots of fun games planned and lots of inspiration to get you creating. There will be prizes galore, so don't forget to check out everything.
The fun will begin on Friday, May 1, 2009
The fun will unfortunately end at midnite MST on Monday, May 4, 2009
Winners will receive a gift certificate to the Scrapbook Express store. We must have a minimum of 4 entries per game/challenge before the draw can be held. Games/challenges with fewer than four entries will be entered into a second chance draw with one prize awarded.
So, mark you calendars and get ready for some fun!!!
May Kit Reveal at 2 Scrappy Chix Designs
This kit is one of the best I have ever recieved!!!!! The products in it will make your eyes bulge out!!!! The kit features papers from Webster's Pages, embellies from Prima, and some exclusively designed embelliese (journaling spots, etc.) from some Etsy stores just for 2SCD! This coming weekend I will be posting a video reveal of the products for you to check out! Until then, feast your eyes on this: