Over at SE during the month of July we have the LOAD challenges going on. LOAD stands for LayOut A Day. Each day there is a new challenge posted by one of the DT members. You have until July 31 to complete as many challenges as possible and your name is entered into a drawing based on how many projects you do. In addition, if you complete 10 challenges, you get a 10% discount in the store; 20 challenges and 20% discount; 30 challenges and 30% discount!
I had to do challenges for July 1-5. Here are my 5 challenges:
1: Use Chipboard, Try different techniques like painting it, embossing it, covering it with paper, or just leaving it raw!

2: Do a LO with this sketch. Then use the scraps to make a card also based on the same sketch.

3: Color Combo: Tangerine, Lemon, and Lime! I also created a card, too *but that wasn't part of the challenge).

4: Use your scraps! No scraps bigger than 4 x 4. For this LO I literally reached into my scrap pile without looking and removed 25 pieces of paper.

5: I created this sketch for members to work with! I love creating sketches!

Well, that was it for my challenges! Here are a few other things I worked on, too!