I was looking through some photos of LO's that I have, and there are many that I have never posted, so I thought I would!
Arboretum: I did this LO at a crop with Tara in Senaca Falls. It was the first 2 pg LO that I ever did where I cut through a photo. It didn't come out that bad!

This was Johnny's 8th grade dance. He went with his 'friend' Maggie. They were both so cute and I def. think they were the best dressed there! :)

Old Town Spring: This was when the fam came down for Easter. Old Town Spring is a cute little town with all kinds or boutiques and shops. The whole town is near a RR. One of the restaurants is the RR station called "Puffabelly's". They have the best fried pickles!!! I made the frames in this LO using some stamps from CTMH and some others from Oriental Trading Company. The large one i made with a whole bunch of different stamps to get that oval shape. The papers are Daisy D's which were at the Christmas Tree Shoppes for $1.97 for the pack!!1

More to come....